Why Haiti recieved more attention than Chile did

A massive earthquake that struck Chile on February 27th, is the fifth strongest earthquake in around 100 years. The earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12th was much weaker, yet it received more attention than Chile's earthquake. Why??

Firstly, Haiti's earthquake was a major one in a quiet some time and therefore received much more sympathy and media attention. The Chile earthquake, on the other hand happened later and was nothing new for the public. Also, Chile has had a history of earthquakes and was well prepared for it, whereas the last one to hit Port-au-Prince in Haiti was 250 years ago. The Haitian government was not expecting an earthquake and was not prepared while Chile is used to getting hit by major earthquakes.

Another reason is that even though the earthquake in Haiti was not as strong as in Chile, Haiti suffered much more destruction and loss of lives. The earthquake in Haiti was of 7.0 magnitude and killed around 200,000 people while the one in Chile was 8.8 magnitude that killed only around 1000 people. Since Haiti suffered more loss, it recieved much more attention from, not just media, but also other donors and international agencies.

The richness of the two nations is another reason. It is believed that richer nations suffer fewer deaths from the "same quality" shock. When Haiti, the most poorest nation in the Americas, was hit by an earthquake, everyone ruched to help it and it therefore recieved a lot of attention. Whereas Chile on the other hand is relatively rich and can support itself and doesnt really need all that help and media attention. Also, Chile has strict building codes unlike Haiti. In Haiti, the buildings are made out of poor building materials and are not able to withstand earthquakes. Chile is used to getting hit by earthquakes and has its buildings and offices built to withstand earthquakes.

Therefore the earthquake in Haiti received much more attention from the media and the people, than the earthquake in Chile. For more information:
CNN http://www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/02/28/stark.chile.quake.haiti/index.html?hpt=C2
The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/27/chile-haiti-earthquake-co_n_479705.html
MSNBC http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35623502/ns/world_news-haiti_earthquake/

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