America's obsession with celebrities

"Tiger Woods had an affair with a cocktail waitress... so his wife beat him up!! Naomi Campbell slaps her driver!! Who was wearing what at the Oscars?? Which celeb is dating who?? Read and find out all about it"

When we usually see these headlines in magazines such as Star and People, we are tempted to read about them. But why do we even care about whats going on in celebrity's lives? Why do we take their problems more seriously than our own? Its because we are obsessed with them and their fame. In my opinion, Americans love the "celebrity life" where you could be famous and have absolutely anything that money can buy. They want to be celebrities, and if not, something very much like celebrities. We think that celebrities are just perfect; they look perfect and live a perfect life. And its this "perfectness" that we want to achieve too.

One thing I don't understand is why celebrities receive so much attention when they are people just like us. They are just more richer, famous and better looking than us. But they are normal people, and they have normal lives too. So why do people go crazy about what's going on in their personal lives; who they are dating, where they go to have dinner, etc. And if they are just normal people like us, why do they influence our lives so much. Yes, even though we might not admit it, we know that celebrities influence our lives more than anything. For example, teens nowadays want to be like modern rappers; they want to dress like them, look like them and even talk like them. Girls, on the other hand, wonder how they could be as beautiful or as skinny as Paris Hilton.

I think that this obsession with celebrities is, in part, because of the technology and the media. The media knows what the people want to hear and try to gossip about celebrities as much as they can. They know that more people would read or watch their news if it was about celebrities than if it was about something else like politics. And they do their job so well that we cannot wait for our issues of People or US Weekly, so that we could read all the gossips and rumours. Its this media that made a big deal out of Micheal Jackson's incident, and called him a "pedophile". The Internet is another reason for this obsession. There are millions of websites that keep you updated on all the latest celebrity news; even if the news were as small as who is Miley Cyrus's new crush. Even celebrity fan pages on Facebook gossip about celebrities personal lives.

In my opinion, its okay to keep ourselves informed about whats going on in the celebrity world, but we shouldn't let ourselves become so obsessed with them that we want to know every small detail about their personal lives. Also, the celebrities that really deserve this obsession and fame are the ones that have made efforts to make a difference and are not just fame and money seeking celebrities. For example Oprah Winfrey, Green Day, Angelina Jolie, etc. These are the people that have stepped out out of their celebrity lives, and become "normal" people like us. They know the pain that "normal" people go through in our everyday and show it to us through the charities they make. (For example, Angelina Jolie visited Haiti and donated money after the disastrous earthquake there.) These are the influential celebrities that really connect with us, and they are the ones that we should aim on becoming like. Also, we don't necessarily have to be rich and famous to become celebrities. We could do something good and help someone out to become celebrities in our own society.

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