Google moves its China search to Hong Kong

Just this Monday, Google announced that its going to shut down it's site (in China) and will redirect its users to the (in Hong Kong). Until now, Google has been censoring search results in China because the Chinese government, as always, wanted to keep the people isolated and wanted the search results censored.

It is said that Google had two conferences with officials from the Chinese government about this censorship issue, and that the second one was a "disaster". Google announced in January that it no longer intended to censor its users search results and will soon be doing something about it. Google also disclosed that there was a cyberattack, and which they believe was caused by hackers working for the Chinese government. Googles database and at least 30 other U.S. companies had been targeted by them. So now, Google has decided to redirect its users in China to its uncensored Hong Kong site. This way, its wouldn't be illegal and its user's searches wouldn't have to be censored.
This decision of Google was supported by the U.S. government wholeheartedly. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a policy speech in January praising Google for its actions and urging Internet companies to do their part in upholding freedom on the Internet.
I believe that Google has made the right decision. The people in China should be given that same freedom of the Internet that everyone else receives. This allows the people in China freedom of expression and information that they deserve. Also, its an important decision to challenge the censorship of the Chinese government and shows that they have no right to keep their citizens isolated from the rest of the world.


  1. I was watching the news and in China if your on Google they have somethings blocked. The computer people call it "The Great Fire Wall of China" lol intresting.

  2. lol. yea cause they censor everything. Thats th problem wit the Chinese people, they always want to be isolated
    I had this problem too when i was lived in Dubai. its a muslim place and its not a democracy so the newspapers, internet, radio were all censored.
