A Dog-Washing Machine!

Have you ever had a hard time washing your dog, because they smell, are dirty and don't want to be washed. Well, the Japanese are here with their solution (like always).

In Japan, where buzy Japenese are always inventing something to save time and effort, the dog washing machine is nothing new. Well, but for us it is. This machine doesn't just look like an industrial washing machine but works like one too. The pets are put inside a small cabin in which water is sprayed form 37 nozzles for about 4 minutes, which is followed by a 20 minute drying cycle. The water is set to a temprature that is comfortable to most pets, and the shampoo doesn't hurt their eyes.

But imagine yourself as that dog for a moment. Would you like being forced to sit inside a small cabin where water is sprayed on you (you can't even set the temprature yourself), and where you are treated like a piece of garment?? I don't think so. Even though this machince looks really time saving and helpful, they only help the pet owners and not the pets; the pet owners are saved from the dirty and smelly task of washing their pets.

In my opinion, this machine is really harsh on the pets and, even though it might be attractive in buzy Japan, I don't think the Americans or even the Europeans are going to accept it.

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