New York Post editorial.

Dear New York Post editor,

In your editorial "A firing Squad for Faisal" you are suggesting execution of Faisal Shahzad, the man who dropped off a car bomb in Times Square, through a firing squad. But would this really solve the problem of terrorism in the United States? Like you said, executing Faisal would only show the rest of the world our anger towards terrorism; but this is an emotion that the terrorists would love to see. The terrorists are only attacking us to cause chaos amongst us. We need to instead stand our ground and remain confident. If we trust our government and our security, we have nothing/nobody to fear.

Mayor Bloomberg said that he wouldn't abide any "backlash against Pakistani or Muslim New Yorkers." And I support him since taking action against all Muslims would be wrong and would worsen the situation. If we punish innocent Muslims for what a radical Muslim has done, we would end up making many more enemies. Also, if we murder innocent Muslims and/or ruin their lives, how are we any different from the terrorists?

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