daily news editorial

Dear Daily News editor,

I agree with you that the "Curse of Our Times" is terrorism and that the United States is and always has been a major target for terrorists attacks. The 9-11 attacks, fort hood shooting, and attempted bombing at Times Square on Saturday are all examples of this. I also agree that the attempted bombing on May 1st, in one of the busiest streets in Manhattan, failed only because of a badly assembled bomb and the work of alert New Yorkers. It seems like you don't trust the government, whether state or federal, at all. But you said that "No police, not even the NYPD, can prevent acts of terror". I don't agree with this since I believe that our police is doing its best to stop terrorism, which is shown by their quick action on Saturday.

You blame all these attacks only on Islamists and Muslims, and that's not correct. Yes, radical Muslims are a part of many terrorist attacks. But its necessary to understand that not all Muslims are terrorists and that not all terrorists are Muslims. For example the attempted bombing in Manhattan on Saturday was done by an American Muslim and not just any crazy Muslim suicide bomber. Another example is the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma in 1995, done by Timothy McVeigh, an (white) American. My point is that terrorist are not just Muslims or Islamists. They could simply be people that dislike the government or want some kind of revenge.


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